Dr. Berg sitting on campus. 25 August 2021.

Steven L. Berg

I am a professor, author, and artist who has a keen interest in quality education and student transformation. My current academic position is Professor of English and History at Schoolcraft College where I am Department Rep [chair] of the History Department.

In addition to my work at the Schoolcraft College, I am President of the Michigan Chapter of the National Organization for Student Success (NOSSMi) and serve on the Steering Committee for the Liberal Arts Network for Development (LAND). Furthermore, I serve as the chair of the Current Trends Network for the National Organization for Student Success as well as other national and state initiatives.

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The only Social Media on which I am active is Facebook. Please feel free to friend me on Facebook.

Cover of book showing a person standing on a pile of books with branches growing out of their arms.

My Promoting Student Transformation at the Community College was published as a free Open Educational Resource (OER) in February 2020. Two paperback editions became available in September 2021. In keeping with the spirit of OERs, the paperbacks are being sold at the cost of production.